Secretariat: BSI (United Kingdom)
Committee Manager: -
Chairperson (until end 2026):Dr Jonathan Earthy
ISO Technical Programme Manager [TPM]:ISO Editorial Manager [EM]:
- Creation date: 1983
Standardization in the field of ergonomics/human factors, in particular the interaction between and within systems (often computer-based) and the people (who use, operate, and are affected by them as well as those who develop, manufacture, evaluate, install and maintain them).
Areas of standardization include: hardware ergonomics (including input, display, and interactive devices), software ergonomics (including interaction and interface design), ergonomics of the context of use (including tasks, environments, and workplaces), and human-centred design processes and methods (including usability engineering, accessible design, and participative design methods).
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ISO/TC 159/SC 4 - Secretariat
BSI (United Kingdom)
London W4 4AL
United Kingdom