ISO/TC 207/SC 7
Visit the technical committee’s own Website for more information.
Standardization to manage GHG emissions, as well as to adapt to the effects of climate change in support of sustainability
Este comité contribuye con 25 normas a los siguientes Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible:
Los comités que aparecen a continuación pueden acceder a los documentos de ISO/TC 207/SC 7:
Referencia | Título | ISO/IEC |
IEC/SyC SET | Sustainable Electrified Transportation | IEC |
IEC/TC 111 | Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems | IEC |
ISO/CASCO | Committee on conformity assessment | ISO |
ISO/TC 8 | Ships and marine technology | ISO |
ISO/TC 8/SC 2 | Marine environment protection | ISO |
ISO/TC 8/SC 25 | Maritime GHG reduction | ISO |
ISO/TC 17/SC 21 | Environment related to climate change in the iron and steel industry | ISO |
ISO/TC 59/SC 17 | Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works | ISO |
ISO/TC 61/SC 14 | Environmental aspects | ISO |
ISO/TC 127 | Earth-moving machinery | ISO |
ISO/TC 146 | Air quality | ISO |
ISO/TC 146/SC 3 | Ambient atmospheres | ISO |
ISO/TC 146/SC 5 | Meteorology | ISO |
ISO/TC 190 | Soil quality | ISO |
ISO/TC 197/SC 1 | Hydrogen at scale and horizontal energy systems | ISO |
ISO/TC 207/SC 1 | Environmental management systems | ISO |
ISO/TC 207/SC 5 | Life cycle assessment | ISO |
ISO/TC 224 | Drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems and services | ISO |
ISO/TC 265 | Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage | ISO |
ISO/TC 268 | Sustainable cities and communities | ISO |
ISO/TC 268/SC 1 | Smart community infrastructures | ISO |
ISO/TC 269 | Railway applications | ISO |
ISO/TC 282/SC 3 | Risk and performance evaluation of water reuse systems | ISO |
ISO/TC 287 | Sustainable processes for wood and wood-based products | ISO |
ISO/TC 292 | Security and resilience | ISO |
ISO/TC 301 | Energy management and energy savings | ISO |
ISO/TC 309 | Governance of organizations | ISO |
ISO/TC 322 | Sustainable finance | ISO |
ISO/TC 323 | Circular economy | ISO |
ISO/TC 207/SC 7 pueden acceder a los documentos de los comités que aparecen a continuación:
Referencia | Título | ISO/IEC |
IEC/TC 111 | Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems | IEC |
ISO/CASCO | Committee on conformity assessment | ISO |
ISO/TC 8/SC 2 | Marine environment protection | ISO |
ISO/TC 17 | Steel | ISO |
ISO/TC 59/SC 2 | Terminology and harmonization of languages | ISO |
ISO/TC 59/SC 17 | Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works | ISO |
ISO/TC 61/SC 14 | Environmental aspects | ISO |
ISO/TC 86 | Refrigeration and air-conditioning | ISO |
ISO/TC 130 | Graphic technology | ISO |
ISO/TC 146/SC 1 | Stationary source emissions | ISO |
ISO/TC 190 | Soil quality | ISO |
ISO/TC 207/SC 3 | Environmental labelling | ISO |
ISO/TC 211 | Geographic information/Geomatics | ISO |
ISO/TC 251 | Asset management | ISO |
ISO/TC 262 | Risk management | ISO |
ISO/TC 265 | Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage | ISO |
ISO/TC 268 | Sustainable cities and communities | ISO |
ISO/TC 268/SC 1 | Smart community infrastructures | ISO |
ISO/TC 282/SC 3 | Risk and performance evaluation of water reuse systems | ISO |
ISO/TC 292 | Security and resilience | ISO |
ISO/TC 301 | Energy management and energy savings | ISO |
Sigla | Título | Categoría |
ANEC | The European consumer voice in standardisation | A |
APAC | Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation Incorporated (APAC) | A |
AYICC | The African Youth Initiative for Climate Change | A |
B4NZ | B4NZ Limited | A |
BCI | Blockchain & Climate Institute | A |
BIPM | International Bureau of Weights and Measures | A |
CAFA | Climate Action for Associations | A |
CDP | Carbon Disclosure Project Headquarters | A |
ClientEarth | ClientEarth | A |
EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | A |
EC - European Commission | European Commission | A |
ECO Platform | ECO Platform AISBL | A |
ECOS (Environment) | Environmental Coalition on Standards | A |
EEA | European Environment Agency | A |
EnergyTag | EnergyTag Ltd | A |
EuropaBio | European Association for Bioindustries | A |
GEDNet | Global Type III Environmental Product Declarations Network | A |
GEN | Global Ecolabelling Network | A |
GHG | GHG Management Institute | A |
GRI | Global Reporting Initiative | A |
GSF | The Gold Standard Foundation | A |
IAF | International Accreditation Forum, Inc. | A |
IAI - aluminium | International Aluminium Institute | A |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | A |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | A |
ICLEI | International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives | A |
ICVCM | The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market | A |
IDF | International Dairy Federation | A |
IEA - énergie | International Energy Agency | A |
IES | Institution of Environmental Sciences | A |
IETA | International Emissions Trading Association | A |
IIOA | Independent International Organisation for Assurance | A |
IISRP | International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers | A |
INLAC | Latinoamerican Institute for Quality Assurance | A |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD | A |
PCAF Inc. | Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials | A |
Prime Coalition, Inc. | Prime Coalition, Inc. | A |
SAFE | South Asian Forum for Environment | A |
SBTi | Science Based Targets initiative | A |
SETAC | Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | A |
UNCDF | United Nations Capital Development Fund | A |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | A |
WBCSD | World Business Council for Sustainable Development | A |
World Steel Association | World Steel Association | A |
WRI | World Resources Institute | A |
WWF | World Wide Fund for Nature | A |
Los enlaces C participan a nivel de grupo de trabajo
Sigla | Título | Categoría |
CAPS | Centre for Asian Philanthropy and Society | C |
Carbon Gap | Carbon Gap | C |
CCAC | Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants, Scientific Advisory Panel | C |
CERES | Ceres Company Network | C |
CMW | Carbon Market Watch | C |
E3G | Third Generation Environmentalism Limited | C |
InfluenceMap | InfluenceMap CIC | C |
NewClimate | Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH | C |
Rethinking Removals | Rethinking Removals | C |
RPA | Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors | C |
UNEP FI | United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative | C |
VCMI | Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative | C |
WMBC | We Mean Business Coalition, Inc | C |