ISO 10303-44:2018-11 specifies the integrated resource constructs for Product structure configuration.
The following are within the scope of ISO 10303-44:2018-11:
- the relationships among the components and assemblies of products;
the relationships among products and their components as made by modification of other products;
EXAMPLE 1 The machining of a product from another product is an example of a modification.
- the description of a product as defined by customer needs;
- the dependencies among specifications of a product in order to represent possible product variations to present to a customer;
- the management of the structure for configuration of assemblies and components as planned for manufacture;
the decomposition of a product to support different product life cycle activities;
EXAMPLE 2 An organization maintains one bill-of-material structure for a product that enumerates the quantity of each component used in each assembly, and a second bill-of-material that decomposes a product with multiple assemblies into the individual components. See annex Examples for more examples of different product structure reports that are supported.
- multiple versions of a single product that are equivalent with respect to form, fit, and function.
Informaciones generales
Estado: RetiradaFecha de publicación: 2018-11Etapa: Retirada de la Norma Internacional [95.99]
Edición: 4Número de páginas: 11
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 184/SC 4ICS :25.040.40
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RetiradaISO 10303-44:2014
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RetiradaISO 10303-44:2019