Consistent with Guideline A.3.2b and B.4 of the UN COPUOS LTS Guidelines [1] to “address the safety and reliability of outer space activities under the entity’s control, during all phases of a mission life cycle;” and to “perform conjunction assessment during all orbital phases of controlled flight,” this proposed standard describes the workflow and technical requirements for perceiving, evaluating, and avoiding collisions among orbiting objects, data requirements for these tasks, identifies techniques that can be used to estimate the probability and/or consequence of collision, and provides guidance and requirements for executing collision avoidance maneuvers. [1] “Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities”, United Nations General Assembly document A/AC.105/C.1/L.366, 17 July 2018.
Informaciones generales
Estado: En desarrollo
Puede contribuir al desarrollo del borrador de esta norma internacional. Para ello, contacte con su miembro nacional
Etapa: Voto sobre el DIS iniciado: 12 semanas [40.20] -
Edición: 1Número de páginas: 42
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 20/SC 14ICS :49.140
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