Solar Impulse made history by circumnavigating the entire world using only solar energy. The daring designers of electric aircraft have made a lot of progress recently and such experimental models will one day bring electric propulsion technology to aviation. Itʼs only a matter of time.
Our flightpath to the future
Once seen as a luxury that only a privileged few could afford, air travel has become a genuine form of mass transport over the past few decades.
Aptly entitled “Our flightpath to the future”, this issue overs the most pervasive and ubiquitous trends and opinions. To bring some perspective to this term, we spoke to several leaders in the aviation arena for their thoughts on the industry – on its survival and the new and emerging trends that are fuelling its growth.
Enero/Febrero 2017
Our flightpath to the future
Flying is more popular than it has ever been. Once seen as a luxury that only a privileged few could afford, air travel has become a genuine form of mass transport over the past few decades
Materials are extremely important when you want to make a light airplane.
André Borschberg , co-founder and CEO of Solar Impulse
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