Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект находящийся в компетенции ISO/TC 20/SC 9 Секретариата | Этап | ICS |
Aircraft — Jacking pads
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Jacking pads
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Pressure refuelling connections
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Fuel nozzle grounding plugs and sockets
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Gravity filling orifices
90.93 | |
Aircraft tow bar connections to tractors
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Connection for water of drinkable quality
95.99 | |
Aircraft seat rails and pins
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Ground air-conditioning connections
90.93 | |
Aerospace — Tripod jacks — Clearance dimensions
95.99 | |
Aerospace — Tripod jacks — Clearance dimensions
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Identification of servicing, maintenance, ground handling and safety/hazard points
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Connections for starting engines by air
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Connections for starting engines by air
60.60 | |
Air-land cargo pallet nets — Specification and testing
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Air/land pallet nets
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Air/land pallet nets
90.93 | |
Ground equipment requirements for compatibility with aircraft unit load devices
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Ground equipment requirements for compatibility with aircraft unit load devices
90.93 | |
Air and air-land cargo pallets — Specification and testing
95.99 | |
Air and air/land cargo pallets — Specification and testing
90.93 | |
Non-certified lower deck containers for air transport — Specification and testing
95.99 | |
Non-certified lower-deck containers for air transport — Specification and testing
95.99 | |
Non-certified lower-deck containers for air transport — Specification and testing — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | |
Air cargo — Non-certified containers for the lower deck of large-capacity aircraft — Specification and testing
95.99 | |
Air cargo — Non-certified lower deck containers — Design and testing
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Air mode modular containers
90.93 | |
Interline air cargo pallet nets
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Interline pallet nets
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Interline pallet nets
90.93 | |
Interline air cargo pallets
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Interline pallets
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Containers — Base-restrained certified containers for the lower deck of high capacity aircraft
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Base-restrained certified containers exclusively for the lower deck of high-capacity aircraft
95.99 | |
Air cargo — Certified lower deck containers — Design and testing
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Requirements for on-board weight and balance systems — Part 1: General
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Requirements for on-board weight and balance systems — Part 2: Design, performance and interface characteristics
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Requirements for on board weight and balance control systems
95.99 | |
Air cargo — Minimum requirements for future wide-body aircraft cargo systems and compartments (intermodal)
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Self-propelled gantry for lifting air cargo containers and outsize cargoes — Functional requirements
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Basic requirements — Part 1: General design requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Basic requirements — Part 2: Safety requirements
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Basic requirements — Part 2: Safety requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Basic requirements for aircraft loading equipment
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Basic requirements for aircraft loading equipment
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Wide body aircraft main deck container/pallet loader — Functional requirements
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Wide body aircraft main deck container/pallet loader — Functional requirements
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Main deck loader — Functional requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Wide body aircraft lower deck container/pallet loader — Functional requirements
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Wide body aircraft lower deck container/pallet loader — Functional requirements
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Lower deck loader — Functional requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Rail and stud configuration for passenger equipment and cargo restraint
90.20 | |
Air cargo equipment — Ground handling and transport systems for unit load devices — Minimum requirements
90.93 | |
Air cargo equipment — Unit load devices transport vehicle (UTV) — Functional requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Four-wheel-drive tow tractors — Performance requirements factors for design
90.20 | |
Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge — Part 1: Main deck doors
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge or passenger transfer vehicle — Part 1: Main deck doors
90.92 | |
Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge or passenger transfer vehicle — Part 1: Main deck doors
50.20 | |
Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge — Part 2: Upper deck doors
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge or passenger transfer vehicle — Part 2: Upper deck doors
90.92 | |
Aircraft — Passenger doors interface requirements for connection of passenger boarding bridge or passenger transfer vehicle — Part 2: Upper deck doors
50.20 | |
Aircraft — Connection of passenger loading bridge or transfer vehicle — Interface requirements in the vicinity of main deck passenger doors
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Main-deck passenger doors — Interface requirements for connection with passenger-boarding bridge or transfer vehicle
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Air mode insulated containers — Thermal efficiency requirements
95.99 | |
Air cargo — Insulated container — Thermal efficiency requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Minimum airworthiness requirements and test conditions for certified air cargo unit load devices
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Minimum airworthiness requirements and test conditions for certified air cargo unit load devices
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Minimum airworthiness requirements and test conditions for certified air cargo unit load devices
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Minimum airworthiness requirements and test conditions for certified air cargo unit load devices
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings interface requirements — Part 1: Main line aircraft
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings interface requirements — Part 1: Main line aircraft
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings interface requirements — Part 2: Regional aircraft
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings interface requirements — Part 2: Regional aircraft
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings interface requirements — Part 2: Regional aircraft
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings interface requirements — Part 2: Regional aircraft
60.60 | |
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings — Interface requirements
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings for transport aircraft with a maximum ramp mass over 50 000 kg (110 000 lb) — Interface requirements
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Automobile transport devices — Basic requirements
90.93 | |
Freight containers — Air/surface (intermodal) general purpose containers — Specification and tests
90.93 | |
Environmental degradation of textiles used in air cargo restraint equipment
90.93 | |
Air cargo equipment — Handling systems for unit load devices (ULDs) — Symbols for pictorial representation
90.93 | |
Air cargo equipment — Unit load devices for transportation of horses
90.20 | |
Aircraft — Self-propelled lavatory-servicing vehicle — Functional requirements
90.20 | |
Aircraft ground support equipment — Tow bars
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground support equipment — Tow bars
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground support equipment — Tow bars
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Self-propelled potable-water vehicle
90.20 | |
Air cargo equipment — Cast components of double stud fitting assembly with a load capacity of 22 250 N (5 000 lbf), for aircraft cargo restraint
95.99 | |
Air cargo — Double stud tie-down fittings — Design and testing requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Methodology of calculating cargo compartment volumes
90.93 | |
Air cargo and ground equipment — Vocabulary
95.99 | |
Air cargo and ground equipment — Vocabulary
90.92 | |
Air cargo and ground equipment — Vocabulary
40.60 | |
Aircraft — Certified aircraft container for air cargo — Specification and testing
95.99 | |
Air cargo — Main deck containers — Design and testing
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Catering vehicle for large capacity aircraft — Functional requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Ground service connections — Locations and types
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Ground service connections — Locations and types
90.93 | |
Aerospace — Aircraft de-icing/anti-icing Newtonian fluids, ISO type I
95.99 | |
Aircraft — De-icing/anti-icing fluids — ISO type I
90.20 | |
Aerospace — Aircraft de-icing/anti-icing methods with fluids
95.99 | |
Aerospace — Aircraft de-icing/anti-icing methods with fluids
95.99 | |
Aerospace — Aircraft de-icing/anti-icing methods with fluids
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Ground-based de-icing/anti-icing methods with fluids
95.99 | |
Aircraft — De-icing/anti-icing methods on the ground
95.99 | |
Aircraft — Deicing/anti-icing methods on the ground
60.60 | |
Aerospace — Self-propelled de-icing/anti-icing vehicles — Functional requirements
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — De-icers — Functional requirements
90.93 | |
Aerospace — Aircraft de-icing/anti-icing non-Newtonian fluids, ISO type II
95.99 | |
Aircraft — De-icing/anti-icing fluids — ISO types II, III and IV
90.20 | |
Aircraft — Aircraft engine transport devices
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Pressure equalization requirements for cargo containers
90.93 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Graphical symbols
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Graphical symbols
90.92 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Graphical symbols
10.99 |
Aircraft — Stability requirements for loading and servicing equipment
90.93 | |
Aircraft — Self-propelled passenger stairs for large capacity aircraft — Functional requirements
90.93 | |
Air cargo equipment — Identification of double-stud tie-down fittings having an omnidirectional rated load capacity of 22 250 N (5 000 lbf) or above
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground handling — Checked baggage — Part 1: Mass and dimensions
90.93 | |
Aircraft ground handling — Checked baggage — Part 2: Handling requirements and guidelines
60.60 | |
Aircraft ground handling — Checked baggage — Part 3: Workstation ergonomics
60.60 | |
Air cargo — Fire containment covers — Design, performance and testing requirements
90.20 | |
Aircraft ground equipment - Boarding vehicle for persons with reduced mobility - Functional and safety requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Passenger boarding bridge or transfer vehicle — Requirements for interface with aircraft doors
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Passenger boarding bridge or transfer vehicle — Interface requirements with aircraft doors
90.93 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Passenger boarding bridge or transfer vehicle — Interface requirements with aircraft doors
30.98 | |
Air cargo equipment — Restraint straps — Part 1: Design criteria and testing methods
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Restraint straps — Part 1: Design criteria and testing methods
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Restraint straps — Part 1: Design criteria and testing methods
60.60 | |
Air cargo equipment — Restraint straps — Part 2: Utilization guidelines and lashing calculations
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Restraint straps — Part 2: Utilization guidelines and lashing calculations
95.99 | |
Air cargo equipment — Restraint straps — Part 2: Utilization requirements and recommendations and lashing calculations
60.60 | |
Air cargo equipment — Air cargo pallets — Utilization guidelines
90.20 | |
Aircraft — Ground-service connections — Potable water, toilet-flush water and toilet drain
90.93 | |
Air cargo — Fire resistant containers — Design, performance and testing requirements
90.92 | |
Air cargo — Fire-resistant containers — Design, performance and testing requirements
50.00 | |
Air cargo — Restraint slings — Part 1: Design and testing
60.60 | |
Air cargo — Restraint slings — Part 2: Utilization requirements and recommendations and lashing calculations
60.60 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Design, test and maintenance for towbarless towing vehicles (TLTV) interfaced with nose-landing gear — Part 1: Main-line aircraft
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Nose gear towbarless towing vehicle (TLTV) — Design, testing and maintenance requirements — Part 1: Main line aircraft
90.93 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Design, test and maintenance for towbarless towing vehicles (TLTV) interfaced with nose-landing gear — Part 2: Regional aircraft
95.99 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Design, testing and maintenance requirements for nose gear towbarless towing vehicle (TLTV) — Part 2: Regional aircraft
90.93 | |
Air cargo unit load devices — Performance requirements and test parameters
95.99 | |
Air cargo unit load devices — Performance requirements and test parameters
95.99 | |
Air cargo unit load devices — Performance requirements and test parameters
90.92 | |
Air cargo unit load devices — Performance requirements and test parameters
40.60 | |
Air cargo unit load devices — Load distribution model
60.60 | |
Air cargo — Cargo stopper devices — Design and testing
60.60 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Upper deck catering vehicle — Functional requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — Upper deck loader — Functional requirements
90.93 | |
Aircraft ground equipment — General requirements — Part 3: Vibration measurement methods and reduction
10.99 |
Aircraft ground support equipment — Specific requirements — Part 11: Container/Pallet dollies and loose load trailers
60.60 |
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