Подкомитет | Заголовок подкомитета | Опубликованные стандарты | Стандарты, находящиеся на стадии разработки |
ISO/TC 110/SC 1 | General terminology | 3 | 0 |
ISO/TC 110/SC 2 | Safety of powered industrial trucks | 48 | 10 |
ISO/TC 110/SC 4 | Rough-terrain trucks | 23 | 7 |
ISO/TC 110/SC 5 | Sustainability | 5 | 4 |
Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект находящийся в компетенции ISO/TC 110 Секретариата | Этап | ICS |
Principal dimensions of pallet trucks
95.99 | |
Industrial trucks — Traction batteries for electric trucks — Voltages
95.99 | |
Industrial trucks — Traction batteries for electric trucks — Voltages
95.99 | |
Counterbalanced lift trucks — Stability — Basic tests
95.99 | |
Industrial tractors — Definition and nominal rating
95.99 | |
Withdrawal of ISO/R 1214-1971
95.99 | |
Industrial wheels for non-powered equipment — Dimensions and nominal load capacities
95.99 | |
Industrial castors — Dimensions of top plates — Part 1: Oblong top-plates with 4 bolt holes
95.99 | |
Fork lift trucks — Hook-on type fork arms and fork carriers — Mounting dimensions
95.99 | |
Withdrawal of ISO/TR 2329-1977
95.99 | |
Fork lift trucks — Fork arms — Technical characteristics and testing
95.99 | |
Wheels and castors — Triangular top plates with three fixing holes
95.99 | |
Wheels and castors for non-powered equipment — Off-set for swivel castors
95.99 | |
Reach and straddle fork lift trucks — Stability tests
95.99 | |
Powered industrial trucks — Safety code
95.99 | |
Powered industrial trucks — Safety code — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Industrial trucks — Inspection and repair of fork arms in service on fork lift trucks
95.99 | |
Industrial trucks operating in special condition of stacking with mast tilted forward — Stability tests
95.99 | |
High-lift rider trucks — Overhead guards — Specification and testing
95.99 | |
Powered industrial trucks — Brake performance — Part 1: High-lift, low-lift and non-lifting
95.99 | |
Powered industrial trucks — Service brakes — Component strength-performance requirements
95.99 | |
Castors and wheels — Vocabulary, symbols and multilingual terminology
90.93 | |
Castors and wheels — Test methods and apparatus
90.93 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for castors for furniture
95.99 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for castors for furniture
90.93 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for castors for swivel chairs
95.99 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for castors for swivel chairs
90.93 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for use on manually propelled equipment for institutional applications
90.93 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for castors for hospital beds
95.99 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for castors for hospital beds
90.92 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for castors for hospital beds
20.99 |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for applications up to 1,1 m/s (4 km/h)
90.93 | |
Castors and wheels — Requirements for applications over 1,1 m/s (4 km/h) and up to 4,4 m/s (16 km/h)
90.93 |
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