Акроним Название
MARCOGAZ Technical Association of the European Natural Gas Industry
Mastercard Mastercard International
MedTech Europe Alliance of European medical technology industry associations
MEGA Middle East Gases Association
MESA Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA)
MFA Microfluidics Association
MFA Forum MFA Forum
MI_Methanol Institute Methanol Institute
MiA_Marketplace Industry Association, Inc. Marketplace Industry Association, Inc.
MICROBE The Microbiome Biobanking (RI) Enabler
MIMOSA Open standards for operations & maintenance
MIRRI Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure
ML Commons MLCommons Association
MMA MIDI Manufacturers Association
MMFA Multilayer Modular Flooring Association
MSC Marine Stewardship Council
MSIF Multiple Sclerosis International Federation
MTConnect Institute MTConnect Institute
MULTHEM Technology Centre of Metal-Mechanical and Transport